stuff I have to do

I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend. Here is some of the stuff I have to do:

  • Watch TV. I have a lot of TV to watch this weekend. We just got the 2nd season of Arrested Development [trumpet fanfare], which is calling quietly but forcefully for me to come out to the living room and watch it. We also have had 3 Netflix items for a while: An X-Files one which is waiting for me to watch the final episode, since Andy’s already watched it; and Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot ones which are only for me. I’m a little Netflix hog.
  • Knit. I have a rather large quantity of yarn waiting for me to turn it into something. There is also pressure here beyond the promptings of my rather lackadaisical conscience, as a lady at the church where I work has been helping me quite a bit and I’d like her to feel her efforts were not in vain.
  • School stuff. The dissertation, obviously, and also I think I’m going to be teaching a class on Near Eastern history next semester at a local college. I suppose by this time I should be able to rattle everything off from memory, but unfortunately I have a hard time retaining anything that could be listed under the heading “specifics.” So unless they’re willing to retitle the course “Michele’s General Impressions of the Ancient Near East,” I’m going to have to do some prep work. “Guys, they built some cool pyramids and stuff in the Ancient Near East, but basically they were all nuts! Okay, so why don’t you discuss that amongst yourselves for the next 54.5 minutes.”
  • Work stuff. The separate components of this Sunday’s church bulletin are sitting in a box in my living room. My mission: to stuff the bulletin inserts into the bulletin covers, and return the completed items to church by Sunday morning. Argh! Too much pressure!
  • Eat chocolate. Chocolate from this Halloween still remains in this apartment. This is a situation that cannot be tolerated.

Guess I’d better get cracking.

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