you said a mouthful, T.S.

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.”
I’m back…sans witty comments or insightful ideas, I’m afraid. Mellow spring weather puts me out of the mood to be strident. I’ve been caged indoors with my own personality all winter, and now seems a good time to give it a rest.
So…we went to Chicago on Saturday–me, Andy, and a friend of ours. They went to a game store and I spent the afternoon at the U of C library. The library, like most, if not all, other aspects of the U of C, has given me quite a few moments of pure aggravation. Books are frequently not where they are supposed to be, due, I guess, to the fact that they get read a lot. But, I got some stuff done, turned in some dumb paperwork to my advisor’s empty office, and visited the C-Shop (that’s me on the left; at least it feels like I’ve been at the U of C for at least 63 years). So all’s well once it’s finally over, to adapt a quotation (not that it is over yet, I still have a dissertation to write).
Today, I must go to work and try to put together something to say for my proposal hearing, which is a week from today. Guess I’ll get on that.

2 Responses to “you said a mouthful, T.S.”

  1. KDC says:

    So when are you guys going to both visit Chicago and us at the same time? C’mon, Miriam Claire was just crying (literally) for you and Andy to play Rail Baron with her! Or to teach Val how to play RPGs with me.

  2. michele says:

    Awwww…soon, I hope! Miriam Claire is a very pretty name. I’m pleased to hear you’ve already started her out on Rail Baron!

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