it truly is summer

The time of year when only the only things I can think of are fluff like the following.
What does your favorite flavor of Life Savers say about you? And how can you use these associations to make impressions on others?

Lemon: Cheerful, sunny, and effervescent, you are a lot of fun to be around, and you bring joy into the day of everyone you meet. Tell people you like Lemon best if you want to make them want to spend time with you.
Cherry: You have a warm and loving heart. The most important consideration in your life is your family, and they are as devoted to you as you are to them. You probably enjoy baking for people. Choose Cherry if you want to appear wholesome, but be warned: everyone is going to expect you to bake.
Orange: While the rest of us are tossed about by flights of fancy and long cross-country drives of whimsy; you are one of the pillars upon which the institutions which make our random assortment of individuals into a coherent society rest. Be seen sorting through the tube for an Orange if you want someone to give you a job.
Grape: When you were a small child, you were mother’s little helper; at school, you were teacher’s pet. You live to help people out, and as a result, the list of people who owe you their careers or lives is as long as your arm. If they don’t always show their appreciation, that just goes to show there’s no justice in this world. Shout out “Yes, Grape!” when asked “Want a Lifesaver?” if you wish to appear to be the salt of the earth.
Lime: You try not to make a big show of the fact that you’re better than everyone else, but superiority as clear as yours is bound to come out sooner or later. Your sheer awesomeness is bound to provoke a certain amount of jealousy, but no one can help but respect you, and many will come to love you for the fact that your light is all the brighter for having burnt right through the bushel you attempt to hide it under. Go with Green if you wish to be deferred to as an expert…even when you have only the groggiest notion of what’s being discussed.
Pineapple: You are not what you seem. Some will be put off by finding that you’re not at all what they were expecting; but others will prize you all the more for being uniquely you. Pick Pineapple if you want to keep people guessing.
Peppermint: Brrrrr! Your frosty hauteur has a chilling effect on all casual and insincere advances. But the select few will find themselves right at home with you in your austere realm of Ideas and Pure Theory. Ask for Peppermint if you want to find out who truly deserves to hang out with you.
Wintergreen: You are so elusive and mysterious that people are likely to refer to your visits as “manifestations.” Some people go so far as to deny your existence, but just when you are least expected, the sparks in the dark give you away. Ask for Wintergreen if you want people to sit up and take notice…and then start backing slowly away.
Butter Rum: You march to the beat of your own drum, and care little for what others think of you. You may well be somebody’s beloved grandmother. Regardless, you’ve learned the fine art of showing consideration for other peoples’ more commonplace ideas and preferences, while continuing to do your own thing. Express your preference for Butter Rum if you want to hear people say “Butter Rum? Really?”

2 Responses to “it truly is summer”

  1. Jeff says:

    This is oddly correct. Though, I don’t like lemon and it fits me a little bit. Are there Lifesavers in Turkey?

  2. michele says:

    I haven’t seen any lifesavers yet! So which flavor do you like? I discovered while typing this that I don’t actually have a favorite, they’re all a little too sweet for me.

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