“I’ve never heard Harvey say a word against Akron”

This weekend, as Andy previously expressed, we went to visit his relatives in Ohio. I’d never before spent any significant amount of time in Ohio, but it seems like a very nice place. We stayed with Andy’s grandma, and met most of the other relatives at a cookout at his aunt and uncle’s house on Saturday. I was rather stressed out about meeting the in-laws, but I had a good time.
I’ve been doing a good job of avoiding studying this week. Today I’ve been running errands. I dropped some stuff off at Goodwill and bought some vegetables at the farmer’s market. I’m thinking about buying some plants there for our shady patio area; I tend to dither about small purchases like that for months. Then I went to Sam’s Club. I find that place fascinating, and always seem to spend a long time there. I’m always anxious to get in and out of the regular grocery store as fast as possible, but at Sam’s I spend forever marveling at the giant jars of mayonnaise.
I need to turn my attention to Ancient Mesopotamia for a while now. No mayonnaise; ziggurats.

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