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We interrupt this broadcast

...for a quick romantic interlude. Michele and I started dating three years ago today. Can I hear a collective "aaaaawwwwwwwww"? It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting next to that one crazy girl in Hebrew class who always showed up to class on time and actually did her translation assignments. Who would've thought that a few years later we'd be engaged?

Thank you for sharing this brief moment of romantic reminiscing with me. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.


All I saw was "romantic interlude" and I thought I had wandering on to one of "those" sites. You know, where they have the stories about "romantic interludes" between Shaft Longfellow and Busty McWhore...

Sorry, I really shouldn't subject others to the ganglia of non sequiturs that is my brane.

Hmmm, not real familiar with those types of sites, Peter. But you seem to know quite a bit about them...

do they really use phrases like "romantic interlude?" That surprises me.

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