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Pitch black

So this morning was officially the first time this year that it was completely pitch black outside when I awoke to get ready for work. Ugh. I suppose I'd best get used to it, though--it's going to get worse before it gets better.



1. Get used to pitch blackness.

2. Get a prescription of Prozac and pump up the serotonin.

3. Eat more chicken and turkey (a natural serotonin booster) and drink more green and/or black tea (ditto on the boosting).

4. Get outside when it is light, open his eyes wide, and let the sunlight stimulate receptors in the eyes which travel down the optic nerve and stimulate serotonin re-uptake.

5. Paste on a smile and fake it.

6. Be a grouch until April 2004.

You forgot:

7. Tell his supervisors to sod off and come into work at 10a, when it will surely be "light". (Or as "light" as it gets in W MI throughout the winter... blech...)

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