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Blaze of glory

Our apartment is being invaded by ladybugs! Perhaps prompted by the Indian Summer weather we've had this week, ladybugs by the truckload are swarming around our apartment trying to get in. The clever little guys have figured out how to get in through the window screens (next thing you know they'll be learning to use doorknobs or something) and as I type this, several are crawling about on the ceiling of the room... watching me. They're watching me!

If this were a cheesy movie, this would mean that a monstrous Queen Ladybug had taken up residence in our basement and is directing its hellish little minions to overwhelm the apartment. But my life is no cheesy movie--we don't have a basement; the only place a Queen Ladybug could really hide would be in the walk-in closet, and I just checked in there, and it's clear. But they've got to be coming from somewhere... hmmm...

update 7:15 pm: Michele is gone, off to buy something at the pet store. More ladybugs. I've sealed myself in the computer room. That should hold 'em for a while.

update 7:22 pm: They're pounding on the door, but they can't get in! Ha! I should be safe here, but if you're reading this out in Internet land, send help soon.

update 7:24 pm: They've gone completely silent. Are they gone? No, I don't think so. They're up to something... but what?

update 7:25 pm: The lights--the power! How did they cut the power? They're just animals! Coming through the air ducts--

[sound of a loud crash, followed by gunshots and a loud explosion]

That... should've showed 'em... I've got five bullets left, not counting the one I'm saving for myself... if it comes to that. Quiet again... maybe... maybe they're giving up?

Oh no. Here they--come get some, you chitinous freaks! Yeah, you!

[sounds of more gunshots and crashing noises]

They're everywhere! Everywhere! But they won't take me alivlkasj;a ae9 )O83

update 7:29 pm: Disregard the above comments. The situation is completely normal. The one known as "Andy" is in excellent health and appreciates your concern. Kindly withdraw any law enforcement units dispatched to this location.

[sound of chittering]


We're getting that too. Rachel just killed about 5 of them, and we had to do away with around 15 last night, along with 5 hornets. It's crazy.

It should be noted that a crushed ladybug smells very, very bad.

Aha, I was wondering why you kept asking if I brought any aphids when I got back from the store last night.

"Stays crunchy in milk"

Oh my goodness they got him!

That's what you get when you don't let the Israelites go.

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