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Revolution calling

Saw Matrix Revolutions last night with friends. I loved it--an excellent finish to an excellent story. I enjoyed it much more than the fairly-cool-but-somewhat-disappointing Reloaded.

Definitely worth some repeat viewings. More specifics on what I liked later.


I'm surprised. Every review I've seen so far has lambasted the film. I'm very interested to learn why you like it.

I was surprised by the negative reactions of reviewers. But then again, most reviewers seemed to like Reloaded, which I found to be fairly sub-par... so perhaps what I like in the Matrix films is different than what your average movie critic likes.

At any rate, I'll post more about it later today.

Most reviews I've read only questioned which of #2 or #3 was worse. There was never any question that both were bad, that both were MUCH worse than #1, and that Matrix was a disappointing trilogy. But, like Alan, I will await your exposition. :-)

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