Back from the barrows
Well, we're back from the evening's game. True to form, we actually only got through the first 25% or so of the adventure, but it was a fun 25%. If you've read the adventure draft I posted, the players have battled and defeated the first Barrow-wight in the streets of Bree and will soon be called to find out what drew it into the town.
Two pastors were there to observe for most of the game session. They seemed quite nice and interested in the game; they clearly had little concept of what a roleplaying game was like, and asked a lot of good questions. They seemed to catch onto the idea and one of them seemed quite interested.
So we'll be continuing the adventure at some point in the near future. Apparently, the next session will involve Actual Youth Group Kids, to see how they react to the whole RPG thing. All I know is that a lot of stress has been lifted off my shoulders, and I am looking forward to finishing up the adventure and getting reactions from the players on the whole Biblical-element aspect of the storyline.
Michele seems to have had fun (playing a Sindar Elf magician), which is reason enough for me to call the evening a success.
We shall see.
With the one pastor "interested", did you mean he tried to perform an exorcism on you right then and there? ;-)
Seriously, kudos. I look forward to hearing how it proceeds and eventually winds up... even more interested in how it's received in the long run!
Posted by: pcg | November 20, 2003 10:30 PM
Fortunately, I had cast Protection from Good on myself shortly before the game session began, so the exorcism attempt failed...
Posted by: jrau | November 21, 2003 8:14 AM
What? He wasn't able to "turn" you? You must have some mad hit-dice, bro!
Posted by: Ed | November 21, 2003 8:35 PM