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The siren call of the Midwest

Allow me to congratulate Mark and his family on the new job, and to wish them luck as they get ready to make the big move from southern California to St. Louis!

I must confess that I am pleased by this development, although I'm sure many of Mark's family and friends in southern California are dismayed by the news. For years, I've been waiting for Escondido's seemingly unbreakable grip on my childhood/highschool friends to loosen. I've been patient for years, content to let the lure of the Midwest do its work. And at last, I can claim a victory of sorts. St. Louis is not quite within easy driving distance, but it's a lot closer to Grand Rapids than Escondido is.

So Mark, allow me to officially welcome you to the Midwest. Once you get used to our charming ten-month-long winters, you'll come to truly love it here. It's a good life... yes, very good. You'll see.


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Many thanks. Southern California is too rainy anyway.

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