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Saving the world, Christian Reformed style

My good friend Jay has been involved for some time with the Office of Social Justice and Hunger Action, a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church. I'm pretty pleased to see the CRC getting actively involved in questions of justice around the world. I've never attended a Reformed church in which questions about international justice and the Christian response to it were addressed directly, and have mixed feelings about that: on the one hand, keeping partisan politics out of church services seems like an extremely good idea; but on the other hand, prompting concern about these issues among American Christians also seems like an entirely appropriate activity.

So anyway, I'm pleased to see the CRC promoting an online forum and information center regarding questions of social justice--particularly the Iraq situation, a scenario that I've seen seriously addressed by few American Protestant denominations. If you're a member of the CRC, or even if you're not, you should check it out; there are some good articles and documents online there. If nothing else, you should join the mailing list and witness me struggling to promote my crazy opinions amidst a sea of people who seem to disagree with me.

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