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Little of consequence

Well, the weather behaved just enough on Saturday to allow for a rendezvous with Michele--the usual fun browsing through bookstores, talking about wedding stuff, and just hanging out. We had a good discussion about Clive Barker's children's novel (soon to be a movie, from what I hear) The Thief of Always: we both agreed that while we wouldn't recommend it to any actual children to read, it had some interesting ideas, specifically about the nature of evil. Interesting enough that I may post about them at some future point, at least. And that's another cool thing about Michele: conversations with her can range from Trixie Belden to Clive Barker without missing a step.

This weekend I also finished watching the truly amazing anime series Now and Then, Here and There. I'll write up some more detailed comments later, but suffice it to say that I was quite pleasantly surprised by the 12-part series, which I picked up on a lark at Blockbuster. And kudos to my local blockbuster for having the occasional anime film.

What can I say? My life has been pretty boring lately; and my blog entries are just naturally following suit.

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