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Love and marriage

Well, well, well. It has been many a week since I've graced you all with my witty observations on life here at the ol' blog. Rest assured I've been keeping busy in the meantime. The biggest event, and the day towards which the last several months of my life had been leading, was of course The Wedding (details and photos of which will be appearing soon at the wedding site). Suffice it to say: the wedding went flawlessly, Michele and I had a wonderful time visiting with the many friends who trekked across the country to take part in the occasion (alas, not all of them have websites to which I can link), and our week-long honeymoon in Colorado was just about as romantic and peaceful as one could hope!

So far this marriage thing seems to be quite spectacularly amazing, and I highly recommend it. Life at the new Rau household is slowly assuming some semblance of normalcy, as boxes are unpacked, books are carefully shelved, wedding presents are opened and catalogued, and Michele's--that is, our--cats are slowly coming to accept the fact that this strange new human being is here to stay.

Life is good.


Congradulations on your marraige! Sounds like you picked the right girl. Hope your married life goes well!

Thank you! She didn't immediately demand a divorce when she saw the countless boxes of sci-fi and fantasy novels I brought to the marriage, so I figure that's a good sign...

Ha, it's funny because IT'S TRUE! For those who weren't able to be there, the wedding was a beautiful time. And they had buffalo!

P.S. I really like D20 Modern, still not sure about LotR. One of these days you'll have to get permission from your wife to run a D20 Modern campaign! ;-)

Yeah--from the feedback I heard, the buffalo went over well with people at the reception. I noticed that it disappeared rather quickly, before the other food options did.

Peter, you were in Nebraska for another day or two after the wedding, right? Care to share any of your Nebraska adventures with us? We spent some time in the week before the wedding milling about in the downtown section, and M. and I made sure to swing by some of Lincoln's used bookstores/coffee joints before heading out of town. Towns with universities nearby always have such great used bookstores...

Nothing to tell, I spent all of my time between Back to the Bible on Cornhusker Hwy and the Hawthorn Suites on 48th near Hwy 34. Oh, and the Friday's on 48th and their yummy wheat beer. Unfortunately, no sightseeing or bookstore adventures...

I can speak to the Buffalo, since I was tasked with dispensing it. People reacted one of two ways:

Reaction 1:"Buffalo, huh? I've got to try some of that. Lay it on me."

Reaction 2: "Buffalo, huh? I'll take Roast Beef."

It was very entertaining. But the important thing was that although the Buffalo went over pretty well, there was enough Buffalo was left for me and Tiddo. It was getting a little touch-and-go at the end, but I was glad to get a helping...

The buffalo was not what I had hoped for - too tough. Just because we wanted it didn't mean we finished it. Glad to see you're back online, Andy.

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