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Band of Brothers

Tonight, Michele and I watched the final episode of the miniseries Band of Brothers. It was amazing--incredible characters, intense battle scenes, and plenty of memorably emotional moments. And judging by Michele's enjoyment of the series, you don't have to be a World War 2 or military history buff to enjoy the story (although if you are such a person, you'll enjoy the series even more). You owe it to yourself to go out this weekend and rent the first few episodes.

Seriously. Go out and rent them now.


Band of Brothers is an awesome series. I watched it when the ran it on HBO. It seemed like the episodes went by so fast and it was torture to have to wait another week to see the next one.

I immediately went out and got the DVDs when they were available and since I bought them I think they've spent a sum total of 2 days at my house before they started getting loaned out to other people. An excellent, excellent show and yet another solid contribution by HBO.

You beat me to the punch. I recently finished the DVD series and was going to write a similar review. I'm *not* a military history buff, but the stories pulled me in regardless. Framing the episodes with interviews from the actual infantrymen, almost 60 years later, prevented me from ever forgetting that these events were basically true stories from Company E. "Seriously. Go out and rent them now."

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