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Gaming update

A few updates on the gaming front this week.

First, my gaming-ministry friend got the official go-ahead this morning from his pastor to start up the ministry at his church. The next step is finding and "training" a handful of interested youth or youth leaders to actually run/gamemaster the games. It sounds like there are at least one or two youth in the youth group eager to help out, so hopefully that should be up and running in some form by January. Most excellent!

Secondly, this weekend I'll be returning to D&D after my sabbatical. It was good to take a break from the system and spend some time exploring other systems that have been sitting unread on my bookshelves. Among the other games I've read through recently are Hero, Mage: the Ascension, and Big Eyes, Small Mouth. Mage's postmodernism-taken-to-the-extreme cosmology and magic system really intruiged me, while the mechanics for both Hero and BESM struck me as exceedingly well-done--the latter two are conceptually quite similar, both featuring very flexible and malleable rules, although there is a pretty wide gap in complexity between the two.

So at any rate, this weekend I'll be starting up a short campaign for Michele and Heather set in the Forgotten Realms. I'm aiming for a three- or four-session story arc to keep things manageable. If you're interested in joining, feel free drop me a note.

This has been your Gaming Update for the day.

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