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f1rst p0st!!!1

Well, well, well. Today is the one-year anniversary of my blog. Hard to believe I've kept at this for a full year! Sometimes I amaze even myself, as they say. Thanks to all who've taken the time over the last 12 months to read my rambling tirades.

My most popular post by far has been the infamous Donnie Darko interpretation. Right now it's weighing in with about 340+ comments. I think it's pretty safe to say that there are no possible interpretations or observations that can be made about Donnie Darko that have not been made somewhere amidst that vast sea of comments.


That's impressive-- you have more comments on a single post than I've had all together. Happy Blog Birthday!

Translation: waahhhhh, everyone loves Andy more than me!!!1

Happy Birthday! (P.S., you misspelled "frist".)

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