Talked to Michele on the phone this morning–everything went OK with her flight and she’s on site at Ashkelon now. Sounds like excavation work starts up tomorrow. She said the flight wasn’t too bad, as far as international flights go–no crying babies in the seat right behind her, that sort of thing.
If you’ve ever been overseas for any amount of time, you know how great it can be to get letters and email from home. If you’d like to drop her a note (via email or snail mail), I know she would really appreciate it. If you’d like her contact information, just drop me a line and I’ll happily get it to you.

I know exactly how nice it is to get mail when you’re out of the country. In addition to prayers we’d love to send her something. It might be a bit warm for German chocolate, but I’m sure we can think of something. So, if you can pass an address on to me, that would be cool. Also, I wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary. I’m sure this isn’t the way you wanted to spend it though.
Take care and God bless
I just sent you an email with her contact info. I know she’d be really happy to hear from you!
Hi Andy, could you send me Michele’s snail mail address? I have her email address, but I may get around to dropping a letter in the mail at some point, too. Thanks!