Michele returns in just a week and a half! I’m counting down the days. It feels like it’s been forever since she left. The thing is, I know that our two-month separation pales in comparison to what some of our friends have undergone–we know numerous couples who spent a school semester or even a full year away from each other. I don’t know how they managed!
Being separated is a bit different than what I expected. I expected that it would be hardest during the first few weeks, but that we’d sort of adjust and get used to it after that. I’m actually finding that it is working the other way around–I think the duration of her trip didn’t really sink in until the third and fourth weeks. Ah well, just another week or two of patience and all will be well again.
Michele reported that the Philistine comb she found is going to be featured on the official Ashkelon excavation t-shirt. Pretty cool to have found the defining artifact of the season! On the digs I went on, I found lots of broken pottery and rocks, but nobody offered to put them on a t-shirt.
Hopefully, Michele will not be too horrified at what she finds upon her return home. The cats are still alive, I’ve been remembering to eat at least semi-regularly (meals… so much work for so little payoff), and several of the plants Michele asked me to water are still hanging desperately onto life.
I can’t wait to see her step off of that plane. Soon!