I’m having a bit too much fun with LibraryThing’s UnSuggester, which analyzes your book preferences and recommends books that you probably wouldn’t like. From the main page:

Bring on the guilty reading pleasures!

I’m having a bit too much fun with LibraryThing’s UnSuggester, which analyzes your book preferences and recommends books that you probably wouldn’t like. From the main page:
Bring on the guilty reading pleasures!
So…. Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of your guilty reading pleasures?
How did you know? I have Ms. Kenyon’s complete collected works on my bookshelf.
More seriously though, I’m afraid my guilty reading pleasures run more along the lines of poorly-written fantasy and Star Wars novels. Which are probably not too far removed, in terms of literary merit, from Kenyon’s masterpiece…
I’m feeling guilty just looking at the covers. And you’ve been loaning me books (1), (2) lately!
“Night Pleasures” has come up as an unsuggestion for about every book I’ve plugged into the UnSuggester. What does this mean?
So what happens if you plug “Night Pleasures” into the UnSuggester?
Maybe a rift in the space-time continuum is opened?
Kant? Just picking up a little light reading?
Personally, I prefer other works of Kant such as “Metaphysics of Morals” and “White-Hot Eastern Prussian Passion.”