Got a few good games sitting unplayed and gathering dust on your bookshelf? On June 9, the first official game convention in Iraq will take place–it’s called Ziggurat Con, and the organizers are looking for help in providing roleplaying games to be played and handed out to the troops as prizes. More details here:
The largest problem with running a Con in Iraq, of course, is that there are no local stores or game publishers, and few game books on the post. Even dice are in short supply, with many soldiers breaking the unwritten taboo held by many gamers and sharing dice. Thankfully, many game publishers have also lent their support. […] But Amberson indicated that the soldiers could definitely use more.
“This convention is currently in drastic need of prizes and giveaways for the troops,” he said. “Everything donated will go directly to the troops, or to MWR to use as loaner books for the soldiers.”
What a great way to lend some moral support to the troops. Consider gathering up a few games and shipping them out in time for the convention! The post linked above has a list of specific games they’re after, but it sounds like they’ll welcome most any sort of gaming material you can send. I’ve been looking to trim down my game collection anyway–this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Good Gaming!
I am the owner of and I would like to get some more information on how I can send some gaming supplies for this convention. We do ship to APO addresses, and I will put some games together to send over.
This is a great idea! Luckily, I don’t have to live off of my income from the gaming shop (I have a day job too). I read about some of the games being played, but I would like a more specific list of what is needed for the Con. Everything that I send will be new/unused, but I would like to know what games will be played the most. I have so much stuff and would like to send what would work the best.
Thanks for putting this together. I have friends over there and we think about you all the time.
Kris Bezeau
Hi Kris! I can’t take credit for putting this together, but here’s where you can get info on where to send stuff:
The contact email listed there is: david.amberson (at) . I’m sure he would be happy to give you some more specifics about what is needed for the Con.
It’s awesome that you’re interested in helping out!