Whelp, the the aforementioned hiatus has continued. The “busy and distracting” elements I vaguely referred to in my last post actually turned out to be a medical condition the details of which I will spare you; but which has made it difficult to do much of anything in the evenings. Most of the time, when I get sick, a part of me is excited about the prospect of being forced to stay in bed and reading. However, I’ve at last met my match in a medical condition which keeps me from being able to read for any significant length of time.
That said, I figure I made it about halfway through my latest Stephen King short story project and I’m eager to continue, albeit at a reduced pace. By a strange coincidence, this week sees the release of a new Stephen King short story collection, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, which I plan to pick up. If I can get some regular posts up about the stories therein, I would very much enjoy that.
Any other King fans out there who plan to pick this up? I don’t usually pick up King novels when they’re new (I have a big backlog of older King novels to read first), but I can’t resist a new short story collection.

You’re not suffering from a killer plague, right? ‘Cause we don’t want to have to sacrifice you to those unknown dark gods, but just in case…
Hah, I hope not! But hey, if it would maybe help….