Starcraft poetry. Now I’ve seen it all.
My work here is done.

Spotted on an online forum:
I realize that I might have offended some people, but I think this needs to be said. I’m tired of radiation getting a bad reputation. We are constantly bombarded with radiation in our everyday lives, only it’s such a small amount that the exposure is nominal. Ignorance is no excuse to perpetuating myths of radiation. –some forum poster
Radiation’s always getting a bad rap!
Everybody wants an apology these days. Now even the Templars want the official “Sorry ’bout that” from the Vatican. I propose that we cut a deal: the Church officially apologizes to the Knights Templar, and in return they reveal where they’ve been hiding the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Philosopher’s Stone. Sounds fair to me!
It’s the attack of the unstoppable Communist crabs!
(If this isn’t something straight out of Call of Cthulhu, I don’t know what is.)