For six or seven years now, I have been dependent on Quarters to maintain my reputation as a wearer of clean clothes. Before that, when I lived in Lincoln, I used to walk to my parents’ house, borrow their car, drive back to my apt. to get my laundry, and do my laundry at their house. I’m pathetic.
Chicago is much too far away for that maneuver though, so once I moved there it was curtains–I mean quarters for me. The first year I lived there, my building had wash/dry machines in it, which was convenient although very difficult to find a time when they were not in use. When I moved, I just sort of assumed there would be machines in my new building; but I was so wrong.
Archive for August, 2005
give no quarter
Thursday, August 25th, 2005becoming a god
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005I have a theory. I have a lot of them, actually, and the less I know about a given subject, the more definite my theory on it is. Today
Home Sweet Home (Motley Crue, Theater of Pain)
Wednesday, August 17th, 2005The Thing That Should Not Be (Metallica, Master of Puppets): Last night saw the premier of the new series, Tommy Lee Goes to College. I probably would have remained blissfully unaware of this, like you, had Tommy not chosen to attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the scene of a good portion of my formative and post-formative years. So as it happened I heard a good deal about it from my inside sources at UNL. Even so, it was mere chance that I happened to flip through TV to see if anything was on before starting my movie last night. Some dark Fate took this opportunity to smile twistedly down upon me, and I found myself gazing at the image of Tommy Lee, twirling like a little girl playing ballerina in the middle of Memorial Stadium, chanting
Harry Potter and some other stuff
Thursday, August 11th, 2005Along with several million of my fellow Americans, I got the new Harry Potter book the weekend it came out (I pre-ordered it), and read it the same weekend. I had justified buying it in hardback as good reading material for the plane to Turkey, but clearly I am not in Turkey. Turns out it was equally good reading material for that weekend. No spoilers follow, I promise.