Category Archives: Meta

No comment

Michele and I have temporarily disabled comments on our blogs while we figure out how to deal with the blog-spammer problem (I’ve received 500 comment-spams today and counting).
This is really aggravating. Hopefully we’ll have some defensive measures up before too long.

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Look & feel

There’s obviously been some changes around here. I’ve been getting annoyed by the Movable Type boring default blog style, so I’m trying out something new. Hope you find it at least a mild improvement.
The CSS is a modified version of one of the styles available at Movable Style, a very nifty little site for people like myself who prefer meddling with already-written CSS to creating it from scratch. And if you’re curious, the image atop the page is of the Squad Leader game board and a few playing pieces that I dug out of storage in the hall closet. This particular board is a map of the infamous Stalingrad Tractor Works, the scene of many a desperate Squad Leader battle.
Let me know if the blog breaks in your browser or anything. There were some funky Mozilla/Safari issues going on earlier, but I think those are fixed now.

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