There’s obviously been some changes around here. I’ve been getting annoyed by the Movable Type boring default blog style, so I’m trying out something new. Hope you find it at least a mild improvement.
The CSS is a modified version of one of the styles available at Movable Style, a very nifty little site for people like myself who prefer meddling with already-written CSS to creating it from scratch. And if you’re curious, the image atop the page is of the Squad Leader game board and a few playing pieces that I dug out of storage in the hall closet. This particular board is a map of the infamous Stalingrad Tractor Works, the scene of many a desperate Squad Leader battle.
Let me know if the blog breaks in your browser or anything. There were some funky Mozilla/Safari issues going on earlier, but I think those are fixed now.

Looks great on the front page (in Firefox), but the individual article page — which is what I get to when I click through to a new article in my RSS reader — could use a little work. 🙂
Thanks, Ed! Glad you like it.
I haven’t done anything yet with the individual article pages–in fact, I’m kind of afraid to even look. Thanks for the reminder–I’d better go make those look at least mildly decent.
Beautiful! I have distinct memory of having my… “dignity” handed to me on a platter while playing out this particular battle…